The Beginning

23 May , 2023

Welcome to the beginning of my website and blogging journey, where I hope you will find inspiration, whether it’s to create something new, learn something new or just become part of my online world.

The creating of the website has been a long time coming and I’m really excited it’s finally made itself a reality. Etsy was the perfect starting platform for me, but it’s now made itself not cost effective for me and will therefore be closing very shortly. For those of you that prefer Ravelry and it’s library opportunities for your patterns, it will be staying open, but the cost ultimately will be slightly more than the website. I’m also exploring the use of EBay for selling, so there is much change to my business.

For those of you that have been following me on social media and knitting alongside me, you will have noticed my drop in designing and posting, all I can say is that life threw me some curve balls that effected my creativity, but coming out the other side from the ball game, launching the website and finding new inspiration, has given me a new beginning from which to move forwards.

There are exhibitions, Yarn Shows and new designs to come over the coming weeks along with the launch of some of my photography being printed onto greeting cards and a calendar for 2024….a lot to look forward to and make happen!

Blessing and Light x